AAA Training Club
EVERYTHING you need to know about dog and animal training in one place for one simple and affordable price. Bring your one of a kind-ness into our one in a million online learning community and let's do this together.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
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A super short course in settling in a new puppy with success from day 1 plus how to get your pup toilet trained at super speed
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What is socialisation? When does a puppy stop being a puppy? How can you spot a good breeder or avoid a puppy farm? This micro course is perfect for breeders, trainers and dog owners that want to perfect the art of puppy socialisation
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A personal shopping experience with a professional dog trainer and behaviourist plus a deep dive interview with a qualified nutritionist! Take the hassle out of shopping for food, toys, chews and toys and learn to shop for dog products like a pro
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Step into the world of Dogwatching with this introduction to Dog Body Language & Communication. Every language has an alphabet so let's set some firm foundations and delve into the ABC's of dog chats, becoming aware of each part of the body
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Now we know how to understand the dog alphabet from Chapter 1 we can look at specific dog words or postures that give a snap shot of how a dog is feeling to help us string dog sentences together and really see what dogs are saying to us day to day
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The Icing on the cake for dog body language geeks and devoted dog-watchers; Level 3 looks at the ideal dog handshake, dog on dog greetings, the difference between fair and unfair play and how you can get practically involved in dog chats.